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By Dr. Chirban
Narcissist behaviors extract a heavy toll in relationships. By confronting the origins of these adaptive behaviors, means are available to develop healthy, sustaining relationships.

Yoga affords significant physical and emotional benefits: is it possible that most participants may only see the tip of the iceberg from this powerful practice?

How do you access your True Self? How is the True Self defined and does it have significance in your life?

No parents send their children to college thinking that their child will suicide; however, the current suicide rate requires parents and schools to reassess for this danger.

The quality of parenting following divorce determines whether children perceive their childhood and family will continue and sustain or if they feel both are now sentenced to end.

Finding information about sex is not a problem for kids today. However, there is a key to sexual confidence that kids gain best from their parents. Do you know what that is?

Narcissism results from an unforgiving uncertainty of one's adequacy, after missed moments of emotional attachment, and leads to a relentless search for affirmation.

Does your life have purpose? How do you know if you’re making the best of it? Where do you find the answers?

Talking with your kids about sex to open an ongoing and effective exchange requires engaging them on five levels. Can you address the five areas where your children need you most?

Children often carry the greatest burden during divorce. What is the single most important thing you can do to rescue children from the painful consequences of divorce?

Are you aware of developing communication technologies that your kids may engage that involving sexual content? Have you addressed with them strategies to avoid such exchanges?

Children often experience divorce as the death of the family. Parents may draw upon spiritual insight to redefine the family.

Fulfillment requires care for our body, mind, and soul. Regardless of our station in life, we each possess these resources that each require nurturance

My work with B.F. Skinner for over twenty five years revealed a thinker who struggled with both religion and God with greater uncertainty.

Designed as "sensory absorption bodies," young children are acutely attuned to their environments. How can parents best manage the distress of divorce to minimize its impact?

Divorce may lead parents to forfeit their leadership roles and empower children inappropriately for their age, resulting in damaging consequences.

Trust is part of developmental learning. Divorce jeopardizes children's trust and brings their confidence in others to a screeching halt. Here's how to recalibrate.

Spirituality today is identified as invaluable for health and happiness.

Meaningful relationships can be our best guides to achieve our personal best.

Who has determined the paradigm that establishes my possibilities? Am I living my truth?

During divorce parents confront numerous dilemmas that damage relationships with their children. By avoiding divorce pitfalls, you will enhance the relationships with you children

Divorce imposes challenges, reshuffling relationships between child and parents. Avoiding these divorce pitfalls will enhance your relationships for your child beyond the family.

Finding information about sex is not a problem for kids today. However, there is a key to sexual confidence that kids gain best from their parents. Do you know what that is?

The person who spontaneously come through for another in need or danger usually sees himself or herself as just doing what comes natural and is right.

When science is elevated and equated exclusively with empiricism and materialism, people deny their authentic spiritual nature. How can men and women today embrace miracles?

Medical miracles have historically referenced remarkable outcomes and events unanticipated by medical science.

Single parenting carries many responsibilities, not least of which is an even greater need to support children in their understanding for healthy relationships.

Regardless of the family’s formation, the behaviors observed by children of both single and two-parent families significantly impact children’s sexual development.

What really matters requires riches of the heart and riches of the spirit.

How do you embark on a journey of spiritual growth? What do we learn from those who have pursued spirituality as the pathway toward meaning?

Attention to the “blue zones” reveal the answers that zero in on how this is within our reach by attending sensibly to our fundamental needs.

Parents are essential for helping their children awaken, discover, and develop this powerful dimension of their life.

The quality of your presence as your child explores and sorts through the options establishes the basis for his and her confident and solid decision-making.

With inappropriate sexual messages inundating kids through the media and culture, parents feel thrown off guard about how to respond.

Divorce is a painful life experience for kids today. If divorce is on the table in your home, do you know what to do to respond most effectively for your children?

At the height of your achievement or in your darkest hour, there is no greater companion than a true friend. Are you a true friend? Do you have a true friend?

Our Truth is something that we live; it's what we really believe. What's the connection between beliefs and living Truth?

When divorce hits a family suddenly everything is up for grabs.

Fitting in, finding acceptance, and establishing identity are activities often played out through the child’s “body self”—feelings, attitudes, and behaviors about how kids look.

Talking with your children about their appearance can be a sensitive topic.

How do you assess the authority and correctness of your spiritual and religious understanding?

The pressures of daily routines often remove us from the awareness of our talents and gifts—and even from perspective of life itself.

Parents need to develop confident understandings about sex for their children given today’s wide range of messages.

How do parent sexual values affect their relationships with their kids?

What can parents do to nurture, impart, and support healthy qualities for meaningful relationships and love within their child?

Chasing for answers outstide of ourself often leaves us unfulfilled.

Each parent’s dream is to place his and her children on the road to discover their unique path to achieve their potential and find their "self."

This excerpt of interviews, Tom Hanks explains his vision of self, others, and God that defines his discernment and his efforts to live out his true self.

During divorce parents confront numerous dilemmas that damage relationships with their children. By avoiding divorce pitfalls, you will enhance the relationships with you children

"The Dirty Dozen" are identified as the major errors parents make in divorce according to children of divorce from a national survey.

Meeting your children’s needs by effectively communicating with them, regardless of the overwhelming stress the you are under may be a lifejacket for their wellbeing.

Sometimes we feel disappointed when looking around for signs of goodness; however, tapping into the Power of our innate Goodness is within our grasp, within own means.

Attending to our soul, knowing our direction and purpose consistent with our authentic design, is the determining factor for inner peace and fulfillment.

Who has determined the paradigm that establishes my possibilities? Am I living my truth?

During divorce parents confront numerous dilemmas that damage relationships with their children. By avoiding divorce pitfalls, you will enhance the relationships with you children

Divorce imposes challenges, reshuffling relationships between child and parents. Avoiding these divorce pitfalls will enhance your relationships for your child beyond the family.

Finding information about sex is not a problem for kids today. However, there is a key to sexual confidence that kids gain best from their parents. Do you know what that is?

Spirituality today is identified as invaluable for health and happiness.

Meaningful relationships can be our best guides to achieve our personal best.

Who has determined the paradigm that establishes my possibilities? Am I living my truth?

During divorce parents confront numerous dilemmas that damage relationships with their children. By avoiding divorce pitfalls, you will enhance the relationships with you children

Divorce imposes challenges, reshuffling relationships between child and parents. Avoiding these divorce pitfalls will enhance your relationships for your child beyond the family.

Finding information about sex is not a problem for kids today. However, there is a key to sexual confidence that kids gain best from their parents. Do you know what that is?